Working on Your Plot

Are you ready to create your story, but you’re not sure how to outline it effectively? Or are you simply a little lost, and need a nudge in the right direction? Or are you suffering from writer’s block?
I can help you. I’ve plotted dozens of stories and helped many authors just like you find their way. I’ll help you through the process at your pace and in your timeline. Hourly coaching is available, or you can choose a project package. Click here to learn more!
Plot help for Discovery Writers
But I’m a discovery writer, you say. “I don’t plot, I just write into the dark!”
There are many ways I can help you. Do you want to write two drafts rather than two or three or more? Do you want to make sure your second draft is spot on when it comes to plot and pacing? You can, and I can show you how.
Together, we’ll dissect your story, putting each scene on a timeline, adding character and setting, and then look at the shape of your story. Do you have extra scenes? Do you have missing story elements?
Let’s work together to make your revision process more efficient. Contact me for a consultation today!

More Efficient Editing
Are you an editor who wants to be more efficient in your process? Do you want to learn about tools that can make your process faster and smoother?
Look no further. We can look at your current process, the tools you are using and even how you are managing your time. You can edit more work in less time. Click the button below to book a session and learn more.
Coming Soon!
Want to plot your next novel swiftly? Want to write faster, enabling you to earn more? Then this is the book for you.
Best news of all? It’s FREE. That’s right, no charge, nada, nothing. You can get this free eBook simply by joining my email list for writers.
I’ll never spam you or send you things you don’t want, just solid writing advice from time to time, industry updates, and other opportunities to learn.
In this guide, you will learn the major things every story must have.
- An interesting character
- In an interesting place
- Doing interesting things
- In an interesting way
Your story must also have a beginning, middle, and end. Then we’ll talk about plot, pacing, and when everything happens.
Does this sound like something you need? Do you want support and help from other authors who may be struggling in similar ways?
Then grab your free copy and join our writing community today! Come over to the dark side. We have cookies. (seriously, this website has cookies).

Set Up an Appointment Now!
You can schedule your own appointment. If you want to schedule a FREE fifteen-minute consultation, I’ll talk to you about your project and how we might be able to work with each other.
Or if you think you are ready to chat about your book project, and how Plottr might help you from the planning process to editing, click the Plottr consultation button.
I look forward to working with you and being a part of your author success.