Speaker Bookings
Do you need a speaker for your event, writer’s conference, or even to just talk to your writer’s group? Use the information below to check out some of my recorded speaking engagements, the type of speaking I offer (even virtual), and how we might be able to work together.

Writer’s Conferences
Over the last few years, I have appeared at writer’s conferences around the world, from Wales to California, from Florida to Canada. How? The power of Zoom! (and other platforms). But I have also appeared at writer’s conferences in person and will be doing some more traveling as things open up.
Need a virtual or in-person speaker for your conference? Feel free to get in touch. You can either email me at [email protected] or you can book a time to chat using the button below.

Podcasts and Virtual Events
Need a speaker at your virtual event? Or on your podcast? I can do that. I have appeared on many podcasts talking all about writing and other topics. In fact, you can check out a few videos below, including my appearance on Hollywood Balls, an international podcast about soccer in the UK, Europe, and beyond.
Have questions? Feel free to reach out and ask at [email protected]