Resources! Resources Everywhere!

A note for you here: some of the links on this page are either affiliate or Amazon associate links. That means I get paid a little bit every time you click on one and buy something. But you will notice that many of them are not.

I recommend each of these books or products because I use them myself, and recommend them whether I get paid or not. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get plotting. The resources will change over time, and they are in sections so you can easily scroll and reference what you need.

I can help you, if you want…

I know. Plotting can seem hard. But it doesn’t have to be scary even if you are a discovery writer. There are times when you are just blocked with your story, or you have an idea but you have nowhere to start.

As a former discovery writer, I accidentally became a student of story structure. As a result, I have read a ton of books, and I know a lot about plot templates, what they have in common, and what is different about each.

So if you need help from someone or even just an idea of what story structure might work for you, click on the link below. There is a free, but short consultation, and paid consultations if you need more help.

Use the buttons below to get on my calendar. Want me to speak at your event or conference? Email me at info [at] and we can talk about it.

Get Plotting Today!

Books on Plot Structure

These are books that talk about different story structures and the methods to use them. Many of them are also templates in Plottr. The link to that and other kinds of software I use are found below in another section. 

Very Popular and Useful!

Adapted from the famous screenplay method, this is a great way to create a story. 

Be a Story Engineer

Used by many writers, this method gives you a good guide to beats, and when certain things should happen in your story.

Like You Were Wearing Any

Are you a discovery writer? Then this book is a great place for you to start learning to outline your books and write faster.

Become a Story Genius

Are you an intellectual who wants to discover the science behind story? (I am). Then this is a great resource for you.

Outlining and Plotting Software

Plottr is one of the most useful tools a writer can have in their toolbox. It’s a visual planning tool that is a great companion to Scrivener. Get your copy using the button below. 

Also, check out all of the cool demos and video on the Plottr YouTube channel. 

Scrivener is my go-to software for writing. I plan in Plottr, and write in Scrivener, and I often have both open at the same time in a multiple screen setup. 

Check out Scrivener for yourself. There is a large learning curve to get all the advance features down, but if you conquer the basics you can start writing right away. 

Writing Great Characters

Writing Great Openings

You only get one chance to write your opening, drag the reader into your story and make a great first impression. Here are some great books on getting started right. 

Writing through the Middle

Writing Great Endings