GUEST POST: Staying Healthy When You Are HIV Positive

GUEST POST: Staying Healthy When You Are HIV Positive

Leaps in science and understanding of the HIV disease means that new treatment if applied properly, allow HIV-positive persons to live normal, healthy lives.  In , act recent studies show that someone who is HIV-positive but in routine care and in optimal heath can...
October 13th, Unlucky No More

October 13th, Unlucky No More

  Every October 13th has been a rough day for me since the year 2000. That year, October 13th fell on a Friday, and my life changed forever. Traveling back to Payson, Arizona where I lived at the time from a friends house in Wilhoit, I came around a corner near...

GUEST POST: Cool Story, Bro

This last week, a friend and humor hero of mine Kimmy Dee released her book of personal essays (and a couple of short stories thrown in for good measure) titled most appropriately Pussy Planet. Much like her blog, Turd Mountain, it is filled with irreverent toilet...