by Troy Lambert | Mar 26, 2020 | The Solitaire Series
The Solitaire Series Reminder: Each week, a story will appear here, and be free to read for one week only. The next story will take its place, and the first story will be available on Amazon and other e-retailers. But if you follow this blog, you can read the stories...
by Troy Lambert | Jan 20, 2020 | Fiction
“The short story challenge, “I heard from somewhere beside me. Two fellow writers were talking. “Short story challenge?” I said. I’m always up for a challenge, and this sounded new, different. “Yeah. You write a short story, at least two thousand words long, every...
by Troy Lambert | Jun 12, 2019 | Giveaway
We had a great launch day for Overdoses in Olympia, and we want to thank you guys for helping us out. So we decided to give some things away. First prize: A New Amazon Kindle! Worth $69.99! Second Prize: Two lucky winners will get a signed copy of Harvested. Be one of...
by Troy Lambert | Jun 4, 2019 | Fiction, Solving Mysteries
Have you ever heard that the truth is stranger than fiction? That is often the case. We can’t even use some of the best true crime cases to model our fiction stories after. Why? No one would believe things happened that way. However, there are facts behind the...
by Troy Lambert | Jan 28, 2019 | Advice for Authors
Honestly, it has been a few long years, and it feels like even longer since I have written “The End” on a book, mine or otherwise. In some ways, I was beginning to wonder if I could still do it. By that, I meant carry a story through until the end. Don’t get me...