by Contributing Author | May 2, 2019 | Health
We all dread seeing our parents’ health deteriorate. They’re solid and unshakeable figures in our lives, and we convince ourselves they’re invincible. At some stage, though, the chances are that your parent’s health will start to falter. And, when it does, you’ll...
by Contributing Author | Apr 12, 2019 | Advice for Authors
Nobody wants to think about possibly needing extra care or their relative needing the support of a nursing home but sometimes it’s just unavoidable. For most, it is somewhere where they will spend the rest of their lives so when choosing the right one it’s important...
by Troy Lambert | Mar 14, 2019 | Health
All people and families are affected by aging, it is an inevitable part of life. Your body and mind are changing, and some things you used to do on a regular basis are turning into challenges. It can be scary, but we need to understand the processes that are happening...