by Contributing Author | Jul 29, 2020 | Tech
In today’s era, technology is everything. If you want to make sure that your business maintains an edge on the competition, then you need to stay up to date on the latest developments in your field. At the same time, you have a business to run. How can you stay...
by Contributing Author | May 19, 2020 | Tech
PC Gaming is one of the oldest forms of gaming that has always been the center of all attraction. It is said that if you are a true gamer, PC gaming is something that you will always fancy. Many gamers around the world still love to play games on PC rather than on...
by Contributing Author | May 18, 2020 | Tech
While we aren’t doing much gambling or playing slots right now, when the “new normal” returns, our contributing author tells us everything we need to know about slot machines. The unmistakable sound of slot machines has become synonymous with...
by Contributing Author | Aug 8, 2019 | Business, Business Advice, Tech
We’re in a heavily technological era, whether we like it or not. Gone are the days of the majority of things being done manually or by loud, old, slow machines. We’re basically able to get stuff done in a fraction of the time now. Almost every single man, woman, and...
by Troy Lambert | Oct 2, 2018 | Tech
Vacations or festive occasions are some of the best times to click candid pictures. You get a chance to capture the flavor of the place or the event and save it for later to reminisce about the beautiful moments. However, along with capturing the flavor of the place,...
by Helen Eagleton | Aug 25, 2018 | Health, Tech
Medicine is one branch of science that has evolved rapidly over the past several generations. A key contributor to this advancement is technological breakthroughs providing better tools. New EHR (electronic health record) systems allow healthcare providers to share...