Am I Going Crazy?

This poem was originally published October 2, 2014 for national poetry day. I thought it appropriate for this Throw Back Thursday, the Fifth of November. Remember, remember. Am I Going Crazy? Am I going insane and dazed? Am I too lost to face this? And what will it...


Eyes close. There is nothing to see. The room is dark, the ceiling above the same shade it was last time you looked. How long ago? Five minutes? Jesus, please let it be five minutes. A glance at the clock. Not five. Three. Why not two more? Eyes close. Where is the...


As many of you know, often even just as a form of therapy, I write some free-verse type poetry. It is likely crude, even offensive to true poets. But I wrote this recently. This is a holiday gift to you. Change. It evokes in us a feeling of fear. As if in embracing...

The Hard Stuff

I sit down to write, Not a song, not a poem. Not a rock anthem to thrill the masses, please the DJ’s, or be the pick of the top 40 stations. Not a piece of poetry filled with rhythm and rhyme, with all the right accents, the correct emphasis on syllables and beats,...