GUEST AUTHOR: Jonathan Dunne: A View of Characters

GUEST AUTHOR: Jonathan Dunne: A View of Characters

Thank you for inviting me on the blog. In all my crime books I continue to be heavily influenced by Jack London’s Call of the Wild and White Fang. In these classics we watch two canines go from extremes of domesticity to violent savagery and vice versa. The...

Guest Post: Tegon Maus

Today, I turn over my blog space to the author of one of my favorite books this year, Tegon Maus. He has some great work, but perhaps my favorite so far is his book, Bob, published recently by Tirgearr Publishing and available here.  Take it away Tegon! I think most...

A Piece of Tale

I’m working hard on NaNo, but thought you might enjoy this piece of tale: From Slaughtered. His phone rang. Loud. Fuck. Should have left that on silent. How many doubles had he and Frank shared? To goddamn many for Jack’s head. It rang again. Kept ringing. How...