Companies of all sizes benefit from increasing their employees’ productivity, but keeping workers on track is even more important for small businesses looking to grow. Even small changes in workers’ habits can improve efficiency and reduce the amount of time employees need to spend on busy work and unnecessary tasks. Read on to find out about eight ways to maximize employee productivity without negatively affecting office morale.

1. Take Advantage of Technology

Making the best use of modern technologies isn’t just about keeping office equipment up-to-date to reduce wait time and equipment failures. Using the Best Employee Performance Management Software will make it easier to keep track of productivity and engagement levels among workers, as well. Keeping communication channels between management-level employees and their workers to optimize performance can be tough, but the right software makes it easier.

2. Delegate Responsibilities

Delegating responsibilities to qualified staff can help to improve morale. It also gives trusted employees the chance to learn new skills and gain leadership experience while simultaneously reducing the burden on management personnel so they can focus on other aspects of running their teams. Delegation comes with some risk, but it can lead to substantial improvements in employee productivity.

3. Reduce Distractions

Keeping employees focused and engaged is a tricky task. Implementing a strict no-phone policy is rarely the right solution as it can damage morale. Instead, try to encourage workers to keep on task while they’re working, but allow them to take regular breaks to check phones or social media.

4. Improve the Working Conditions

People concentrate best when they have comfortable working conditions. The ideal temperature for concentration is around 68 to 70 degrees, so make sure the building’s air conditioning and heating systems are in good working order during the relevant seasons. It’s also important to provide adequate lighting and well-spaced workstations.

5. Set and Support Realistic Goals

There’s no way to track employee productivity without setting goals. Provide managers and supervisors with a clear idea of what to expect from their teams, and incentivize productivity by rewarding high-performing employees.

6. Practice Positive Reinforcement

People respond much better to positive reinforcement that rewards good behavior than they do to threats of demotions or firing if they aren’t performing well enough. Personal incentives for a job well done don’t have to cost the company a fortune. Things as simple as extra paid time off, or even free coffee or pizza for exceptionally productive teams, are often enough to motivate workers to do their best.

7. Keep Employees Happy

Employee satisfaction is directly tied to productivity. If workers are constantly stressed out and don’t feel appreciated by the higher-ups, they won’t just be less productive. Workplace dissatisfaction can also lead to greater rates of disengagement, absenteeism, and employee turnaround. Make sure the employees feel valued and respected.

8. Listen to Feedback

The best way to find out if workers are feeling satisfied with their jobs is to request feedback from them directly. It could come in the form of surveys, interviews, or even workshops. Don’t just request feedback, then ignore it. Come up with a plan for addressing poor workplace conditions and unnecessary stressors that could contribute to lower employee productivity.

The Bottom Line

Ensuring maximum productivity in the workplace isn’t about threatening workers who don’t perform as well as their peers. It’s much more effective to use positive reinforcement and create a welcoming company culture that makes workers feel valued and respected. Remember, happy workers are productive workers, so it’s worth the effort to make some changes.