If you’re in the market for a new job, the search can seem like a daunting prospect. There’s a lot to assess, and a lot to do — consistently. Fortunately, if you stay focused on several key steps, you can make the process of job hunting considerably easier. Here are a few tips to get started.

1. Plan Job Hunting Ahead

Get organized and get your schedule into place to search efficiently. Decide the number of hours per day and week you want to devote to networking and/or job hunting. Also, decide upon who you’d like to be your references, get in touch with them to make sure they’re on board with being on the list, and get their contact information ready.

2. Be Goal-Driven

Be as specific about the type of career you want. This is particularly crucial if you’re changing careers or entering the workforce for the first time. Seek out the counsel of former coworkers, family, professors, and/or a career coach. Your goal should be realistic and clear; be sure you’re qualified for that career path, and decide how you want to reach it. This will help the search feel more focused and intentional, and help you narrow down your choices to those you’re most passionate about.

3. The Sky’s the Limit

Be sure to take advantage of all job search options — don’t limit yourself! Consider sources such as recruitment agencies Boston that offer a variety of on-site and remote opportunities. You might also consider attending a career fair, doing a social media search, or contacting a career counseling service. Company websites, job search engines, and professional associations all are great resources. Signing up for weekly email job alerts can save time and effort.

4. Get Resume Help

Get some outside perspective on your resume. Ask a coworker, family member, career counselor, or another mentor to go over your it carefully and proofread for errors and give feedback. Consider the assistance of a professional resume writing service as well.

5. Customize, Customize

Be sure to adapt your resume so it corresponds with each type of job you’re planning to apply to. Take a look at job descriptions to determine how and why you are a good fit. Include your experience, skills, and relevant achievements in order to appeal to staff and recruiters who are reviewing many resumes at once.

Successful job hunting requires energy, sound strategy, and determination. Try these tips to help make your experience fruitful and rewarding.