Getting sick is something no one can avoid. At some point, an illness or injury can leave a person stricken with a disability that could last a long while. When that happens, a person can suffer from demotivation, tiredness and even depression or other mental health issues. This can be stressful and tiring for family members and their nurses and caretakers.

Most of the time, this can be devastating and can entail a long struggle to get back to positivity. Others take various therapies or attend support groups that allow them to overcome whatever they are feeling.

Legally speaking, there are options for people in need, and they can access benefits just like other people. Whether their disabilities are acquired recently or existed ever since they were born, there are attorneys to help with any necessary legal action.

Working with our law firm would result in obtaining an insurance policy that would be suitable for you and your needs.

Long Term Disability (LTD)

This is a type of an insurance policy that covers an employee or worker from losing income in case there is an event that renders him or her unable to work for a very long time or even for the rest of their lives.

Will You Be Covered by the Policies?

Disability insurance might be able to cover the illness that you are suffering if it’s a long-term disability or a chronic illness. One of the major requirements of disability is proof that it is impossible for you to perform the basic tasks of your job. Here’s a list of the most common types of diseases that may be covered by disability policies:

Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia Chemical Disability & Mental Health Disability
Substance Addiction and Abuse Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Head Injuries & Brain Damage Heart Disabilities
Nervous Disabilities Rheumatoid Arthritis


If you’re looking into more specific types of insurance, such as disability insurance, you may click here for more information.

Claims Assessment

Before one can be granted claims, the insurance company must be careful in assessing the disability claims by the person. Laboratory results as well as medical records of the patient are the most essential requirement in order to move forward with this.

Attorneys who are experienced in disability claims are able to aid you in preparing and applying for your claims. This claims process encompasses obtaining lab results, doctor’s prescriptions and other patient records that boost the opportunity in getting your disability authorized. But the most important thing is that we can aid you in understanding the conditions of your disability or long-term care policy.

Here are other forms of proofs you may show in order to earn long-term disability benefits.

Full-Time Work

Just like most benefit plans, one of the requirements in order to earn disability benefits is to be able to prove that you were a full-time employee of a company. Accomplishing your work is affected by your disability for at least 40 hours of work every week. However this depends on the company policy and may vary depending on the industry and nature of the business.

Standby Period

If you’ve just developed a disability and accomplishing your tasks has become quite a challenge, some companies give a “standby period,” which means a period of time before an employee can start earning or receiving benefits. This waiting period can span from at least three (3) months up to six (6) months.

In some cases, the standby period may consume up all the paid leave you have (both sick and vacation leaves) available before a certain motion may be placed in order.

Previous Conditions

Before determining your long term disability, you might be examined if there were previous conditions that could have affected your condition at present. Generally speaking, the previous condition may be ruled out and just considered as a disease or an injury that would heal after a while. Some will have been diagnosed and treated even before the long term disability coverage started.

Some situations result in non-payment of benefits for any kind of long-term disability that may emerge from the previous condition that you experienced for the first year of the coverage.

Excluded Circumstances

Before a legal action regarding an LTD claim may be made, it must be assessed that the injury you have is covered by the LTD policy. Moreover, there are some policies that may not include specific illnesses, personal injuries and even accidents at the workplace.

On the other hand, there may be provisions that may have a limit on the disabilities that may be due to alcohol and drug abuse, mental health issues or even conditions in the nervous system.

Every disability can be transformed into something positive that could eventually motivate someone to continue living. Aside from the benefits mentioned above, your life may be a source of inspiration for somebody else who may be going through the same situation as you. It is best to consult and seek professional help in discussing and resolving matters like this.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The information provided is not a substitute for personal legal advice. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific legal problems.

Andrew Nickleson

Andrew is a passionate writer, writing about disabilities and the law. He has written about many subjects aimed to help those who have questions unanswered. In his spare time he enjoys working on volunteering for those less fortunate.