Dudeism.svgThis year I have already written about the Holiday season: the fun it is to track Santa, but also how scary it is we are giving the big guy (and many other people) about us. It seems we are in a giving mood year round, whether we know it or not.

I also wrote about how important it is to show kindness and grace this time of year, and really all year long. It’s a post I hope goes just as viral as my post about Four Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn from the Big Lebowski, which had over 4400 shares on Facebook alone. The Dude Abides, indeed.

I’ve had the privilege the last half of the year to write about teachers, libraries, and business, sharing what I have learned, and bit of my writer’s journey with other people.

You see, I have been blessed, and learned a lot this year about not being such a workaholic, but still working hard. About love and family, and what those words really mean. I’m still learning: if somehow you are offended by my journey, or part of it, stick with me. I’ll get it right eventually.

I’ve been thinking about doing something, a little different author event. The idea started a couple of years ago, in a bookstore. It has been sitting in the back of my mind.

Then this summer, while in California, I took some things a little girl said, and fulfilled my ambition in a really small way. I wrote her a story, on the spot.

I took some things she said about herself, and I crafted her a unique tale. It starred her, and was built with her thoughts. She loved it.

So this year, I am making you a special offer this Holiday. Click here to find out more about it.

Because one thing I never want to stop doing is giving back.

In that spirit, if you Subscribe to my newsletter between now and the first of the year, I will give you a free e-copy of Typewriter Repair Shop. Subscribe, and I will be in touch to ask you want format you need.

They’re both my Holiday gifts to you, my readers. Happy Holidays.

Stay tuned for more Troy Lambert thrillers coming 2016.